Reds: 3rd Most Hated Team in Baseball?
Yesterday The Wall Street Journal came out with a list of the most hated franchises in Major League Baseball and the Cincinnati Reds finished 3rd. Are you kidding me????? Who in the hell hates the Reds that much? I bet you can ask anyone outside Ohio, oustide of Cincinnati for that matter, and not one person can name more than 3 or 4 players on the team. The Reds have sucked for the past 19 years and the only people that I know of that hate them are their own fans. They only hate them becasue they lose year after year, but deep down they love them.
The article was based on a survey, according to The Wall Street Journal, using an algorithim designed by Nielson Co. that measures positive and negative reactions on the Internet. I have no idea what an algorithim is and I'm not sure I even spelled it right. I did just get 100% on a Calculus test, which I still think was more luck than anything else, but math has never been my subject. So, something had to go wrong and here's what I think happened.
I believe that this survey or algorithim, whatever it is, fell into the wrong hands. Let's say that some first grade students were in computer class recently trying to learn how to surf the web. Well, in every class there is that one evil child, just think back to grade school and I'm sure someone will pop into your mind. And this kid, we will call him Larry, gets off task and starts to surf the web on his own. Being the genesis that he is, he was held back in kindergarten because he was too slow, he stumbles upon the Nielson Co. algorithim and decides to take it. Little Larry has played tee-ball, but has no idea about what teams are in the Major Leagues. He sees the Cleveland Indians, who were the most hated team according to the article, and having just learned about the Indians and Cowboys he anwsered negatively to all Indians questions. Every little boy wants to be a cowboy when the grow up, not a Indian.
Then he gets to the Cincinnati Reds. He remembers hearing about a reciever for the Cincinnati football team and remembers seeing him dancing all over the television. This receiver is a nice enough guy, but sometimes rubs people the wrong way and can talk way to much. So, he is already thinking negativley about the Cincinnati. Then he notices that the word Reds. After just failing a spelling test, which was covered in Red ink, he gets upset. The color Red has not been to friendly to him, so he reacts negatively to all the Cincinnati Reds questions. Word gets out about the little survery that Larry is taking and he tells all his buddies to answer the questions the same way. Thus, resulting in the Cincinnati Reds being the third most hated team in baseball.
A bit of a stretch I know, but I just believe that something went wrong. Their is no way in the world that the Cincinnati Reds are the third most hated team in baseball. Sure they are my favorite team and I might be a little bias, but common. The Reds finished higher than the Cubs, Mets, and even the Yankees. Everyone says that the Yankees are the most hated team in all of sports. Well, not according to The Wall Street Journal. So, the next time you have to write a paper for school and you have to cite a source, think twice before you use The Wall Street Journal as a credible source. What a load of crap. The Reds have won three in a row, so I guess more and more people are going to hate them if they keep winning. Which is fine with me.
Here's the link to the article if anyone is interested:
The article was based on a survey, according to The Wall Street Journal, using an algorithim designed by Nielson Co. that measures positive and negative reactions on the Internet. I have no idea what an algorithim is and I'm not sure I even spelled it right. I did just get 100% on a Calculus test, which I still think was more luck than anything else, but math has never been my subject. So, something had to go wrong and here's what I think happened.
I believe that this survey or algorithim, whatever it is, fell into the wrong hands. Let's say that some first grade students were in computer class recently trying to learn how to surf the web. Well, in every class there is that one evil child, just think back to grade school and I'm sure someone will pop into your mind. And this kid, we will call him Larry, gets off task and starts to surf the web on his own. Being the genesis that he is, he was held back in kindergarten because he was too slow, he stumbles upon the Nielson Co. algorithim and decides to take it. Little Larry has played tee-ball, but has no idea about what teams are in the Major Leagues. He sees the Cleveland Indians, who were the most hated team according to the article, and having just learned about the Indians and Cowboys he anwsered negatively to all Indians questions. Every little boy wants to be a cowboy when the grow up, not a Indian.
Then he gets to the Cincinnati Reds. He remembers hearing about a reciever for the Cincinnati football team and remembers seeing him dancing all over the television. This receiver is a nice enough guy, but sometimes rubs people the wrong way and can talk way to much. So, he is already thinking negativley about the Cincinnati. Then he notices that the word Reds. After just failing a spelling test, which was covered in Red ink, he gets upset. The color Red has not been to friendly to him, so he reacts negatively to all the Cincinnati Reds questions. Word gets out about the little survery that Larry is taking and he tells all his buddies to answer the questions the same way. Thus, resulting in the Cincinnati Reds being the third most hated team in baseball.
A bit of a stretch I know, but I just believe that something went wrong. Their is no way in the world that the Cincinnati Reds are the third most hated team in baseball. Sure they are my favorite team and I might be a little bias, but common. The Reds finished higher than the Cubs, Mets, and even the Yankees. Everyone says that the Yankees are the most hated team in all of sports. Well, not according to The Wall Street Journal. So, the next time you have to write a paper for school and you have to cite a source, think twice before you use The Wall Street Journal as a credible source. What a load of crap. The Reds have won three in a row, so I guess more and more people are going to hate them if they keep winning. Which is fine with me.
Here's the link to the article if anyone is interested:
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